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People Power

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People Power
May 15, 2024
Storytelling Lessons from the Civil Rights and Environmental Justice Movements – and How to Apply Them Today

As a part of Black Girl Environmentalist’s Reclaiming Our Time Campaign, LCV Education Fund partnered with Cameron Oglesby, project lead for the Environmental Justice Oral History Project, to delve into the power of storytelling.

May 15, 2024
A large group, diverse in age, gender and race, march down a tree-lined road holding a sign reading "We Birthed the Movement: 40 Years of Environmental Justice."
People Power
May 14, 2024
Fostering Future Environmental Leaders: South Carolina’s Boards and Commissions Fellowship Program Launch

Many leaders get their start by serving on a local board or commission. Learn how one state fellowship program helps prepare future leaders to serve their communities.

May 14, 2024
A group of 16 people, diverse in gender, race and age, pose together on a staircase.
People Power
Jan 30, 2024
More Than an Address: Mapping Utah’s Navajo Nation

Many Indigenous communities across the country do not have addresses for their homes, making it difficult for emergency services to find them, to receive home care or social services – or to register to vote. The Rural Utah Project, a state affiliate of the LCV Education Fund, made it their mission to identify addresses for thousands of homes in Utah's Navajo Nation.

Jan 30, 2024
Wide shot of a lone house by a desert road with a butte in the distance.